Assurini Tribe ~ Amazon Basin
(August 20, 2006 | Reuters)
Image courtesy of:
(The above seven photos are by Oswaldo Forte ~ 2009 & 2011)
(The above two photos are by Michel Schettert [Michel Mosso Schettert] ~ January 28, 2009)
(The above two photos are by lenbrasil ~ April 15, 2005)
(Photo by edmarmelo [Edmar Melo] ~ November 24, 2004)
(The two photos above were taken on December 24, 2010)
(Both photos above are by guiraud.serge31 [Serge Guiraud:])
The above fifteen images are courtesy of:
(Photo by Veton PICQ ~ November 6, 2009)
Image courtesy of:
Kayapó (Kaiapó) Tribe ~ Xingu River Basin, Brazil
Image courtesy of:
Image courtesy of:
(Photo by Gilvan Barreto [] ~ November 22, 2006)
(Photo by unoGitano™ ~ August 29, 2009)
(The above two photos are by Anne Vilela ~ July 17, 2010)
(Photo by MariaElenaRomero ~ May 23, 2008)
(Photo by Catholic Missionary World [Fr. Carl Chudy] ~ April 10, 2010)
(The above two photos are by guiraud.serge31 [Serge Guiraud:] ~ July 30, 2005 & December 26, 2010)
(The above two photos are by lenbrasil ~ November 20 & 21, 2005)
(The above three photos are by Voces Armónicas Xöömij [Cristian Sepulveda] ~ 2007 & 2010)
(Photo by arissanapataxo ~ August 16, 2007)
(The above three photos are by Mayra Azzi ~ December 15 & 18, 2009)
The above seventeen images are courtesy of:
Image courtesy of:

Image courtesy of:
(Photo by Ivan Canabrava)
Image courtesy of:
A Kayapó headdress | ca. 1910
(National Museum of the American Indian collection)
Image courtesy of:
Kuikuro (Kuikuru) Tribe ~ Xingu River Basin, Brazil
(Photo taken on February 29, 2012)
(The above two photos are by Rita Barreto [])
(Photo taken on April 1, 2007)
(Photo taken on February 29, 2012)
(The above two photos are by Rita Barreto [])
(Photo taken on May 1, 2010)
Kuikuro Indians playing Taquara flutes
(Photo taken on May 1, 2010)
(Photo taken on May 15, 2011)
(Photo on the left, taken on May 29, 2011 | Photo on the right, taken on April 16, 2012)
(Photo on the left, taken on May 22, 2012 | Photo on the right, taken on April 21, 2012)
(Photo on the left, taken on May 22, 2012 | Photo on the right, taken on May 15, 2011)
(The above nine photos are all by Wilfred Paulse [Visit: Wilfred Paulse on Flickeflu])
(Photo taken on July 15, 2009)
(Photo taken on July 22, 2007)
(Both photos above are by guiraud.serge31 [Serge Guiraud:])
(The above two photos are by +simples [Cláudia Tavares] ~ July 21 & 22, 2007)
(The above eight photos are by Alexandre Silva (Fotoca) [Alexandre Silva] ~ April 16, 2005)
(The above three photos are by © Tatiana Cardeal ~ April 15 & 16, 2005)
(The above four photos are by Fê Candia ~ April 18, 2010)
(Photo by Lucille Kanzawa ~ March 26, 2011)
Kuikuro bamboo dance
(The above two photos are by J.Cheng ~ April 10, 2010)
(The above two photos are by oandresilva [André Silva:] ~ April 18, 2010)
The above fifty-two images are all courtesy of:
Kamayurá (Kamaiurá) ~ Xingu River Basin, Brazil
(Artwork by Arturo De Miguel)
Image courtesy of:
(The above seven photos are by Rê Sarmento ~ April 21, 2011)
The above seven images are courtesy of:
Kalapalo Tribe ~ Xingu River Basin, Brazil
(Photo by Dalton Valerio [from BrazilPhotos Stock Agency] ~ February 22, 2010)
(Photo by Léo Burgos ~ April 21, 2009)
(Photo by Communicans ~ August 17, 2006)
(Photo by joaogambini ~ January 2, 2011)
Karajá/Carajá (Iny) Tribe ~ Araguaia River Valley, Brazil
(The above fifteen photos are all by Rê Sarmento ~ April 21 & 23, 2011)
(Photo taken on July 8, 2010)
(Photo on the left, was taken on July 15, 2010 | Photo on the right, was taken on November 25, 2010)
The above two photos show young Karajá youth going through their rites of passage.
(The above two photos were taken on January 12, 2011)
(Photo taken on November 8, 2010)
(Photo by csena [Carlos Sena] ~ April 19, 2008)
(Photo by edmarmelo [Edmar Melo] ~ November 28, 2007)
(Photo taken on March 22, 2006)
(Photo taken on March 23, 2006)
(Photo taken on March 22, 2006)
(The above three photos are by cop15brasil )The above thirty-four images are all courtesy of:
(Photo taken on March 20, 2006)
Image courtesy of: (Solid Planet)
Image courtesy of:
Pataxó Tribe ~ Bahia Province, Brazil
(The above two photos are by WISLEY)
The two images above are courtesy of: Olhares Fotografia Online
Brazilian Indians from the Assurini & Pataxó tribes compete against another tribe during a tug-of-war competition at the
IX Indigenous Nations' Games in Olinda, northeastern Brazil | November 26, 2007
(Photo by Xinhua/Reuters)
Image courtesy of:
Image courtesy of:
(Photo by Valter Campanato/Agência Brasil ~ April 4, 2006)
The above five images are courtesy of:
(The above two photos are by claudio.marcio2 [Claudio Marcio Lopes] ~ April 14, 2006)
(The above two photos are by © Tatiana Cardeal ~ April 16, 2005)
(The above ten photos are by Graça Vargas ~ March 8, 2009)
(The above two photos are by Pequena Juh [Jucileia Sousa] ~ April 28, 2012)
(Above left: Elvio Gusmão Santos ~ January 3, 2009 | Above right: bred_pacheco ~ August 28, 2010)
(The above two photos are by lenbrasil ~ April 14, 2005)
(The above three photos are by Licia Rubinstein ~ September 11, 2012)
(Above left: Pedro Rezende1 ~ January 1, 1980 | Above right: tiago araujo ~ January 7, 2008)
(Photo by Paulinho Nolli ~ July 17, 2011)
(The above two photos are by Wilfred Paulse ~ April 22, 2011)
(The above nine photos were taken on April 21, 2012)
(The above three photos were taken on April 21, 2011)
(Photo taken on April 21, 2012)
(The above thirteen photos are by Rê Sarmento)
The above forty-three images are courtesy of:

Image courtesy of: The Telegraph
(Photo by Felipe Duarte)
Image courtesy of: Olhares Fotografia Online
Pataxó Shaman ~ July 8, 2007
Image courtesy of: We Photograph As We Are (
Rikbaktsa (Erikbaktsá) Tribe ~ State of Mato Grosso, Brazil
(The above two photos are by © Tatiana Cardeal ~ April 21 & 23, 2007)
(Above left: Yahoo! Notícias ~ September 6, 2005 | Above left: Destrictedd ~ July 20, 2011)
(The above two photos are by guiraud.serge31 [Serge Guiraud:] ~ March 22, 2009)
The above six images are courtesy of:
(The above three photos are by Valter Campanato/Agência Brasil ~ November & December 2007)
The above three images are courtesy of:
The above three images are courtesy of:
(Photo by Rinaldo S.V. Arruda ~ 1987)
Image courtesy of: Instituto Socioambiental
Image courtesy of:
The above two images are courtesy of: Projeto Pacto das Aguas
Image courtesy of: The Telegraph
Image courtesy of:
Above left image: Entretenimento | Above right image:
Terena Tribe ~ State of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil
(The above five photos are by Rê Sarmento ~ April 21 & 23, 2011)
(Photo by Lunematico-Rodrigo [Rodrigo MXT] ~ July 23, 2005)
(The above three photos are by © Tatiana Cardeal ~ April 21, 22 & 23, 2006)
The above nine images are courtesy of:
Yawalapiti (Jaulapiti) ~ Xingu River Basin, Brazil
(The above two photos are by Anne Vilela ~ July 21, 2010)
(Photo by lenbrasil ~ November 21, 2005 | April 14, 2005)
Yawalapiti tribesmen before the opening of the Festa Nacional do Índio.
(Photo by © Tatiana Cardeal ~ April 21, 2007)
The above five images are courtesy of:
Image courtesy of: World Photography Organisation
Map of Brazil courtesy of:
Map of the Amazon Basin courtesy of:
Suggested readings:
The Life And Mysteries of The Jungle (1984), by Edward S. Ayensu: Crescent Books
People of The Tropical Rain Forest (1988), by Julie Sloan Denslow & Christine Padoch: University of California Press
Indians Of The Amazon (1989), by Marion Morrison: Rourke Publications
The Last Rain Forests (1990), by Mark Collins: Mitchell Beazley
The Amazon Rain Forest And Its People (1993), by Marion Morrison: Thomson Learning
Rain Forest Amerindians (1993), by Anna Lewington: Raintree Steck-Vaughn
The Amazonian Chronicles (1994), by Jacques Meunier & Anne-Marie Savarin: Mercury House
Yanomami: People Of The Amazon (1995), by David M. Schwartz & Victor Englebert: Lothrop, Lee & Shepard Books
The Enchanted Amazon Rain Forest: Stories from a Vanishing World (1996), by Nigel J. H. Smith: University Press of Florida
Life In The Amazon Rain Forest (1999), by Stuart A. Kallen: Lucent Books
Native Peoples (2001), by James L. Castner: Benchmark Books/Marshall Cavendish
In Amazonia: A Natural History (2002), by Hugh Raffles: Princeton University Press
Entangled Edens: Visions Of The Amazon (2002), by Candace Slater: University of California Press
The History of Brazil (2003), by Robert M. Levine: Palgrave Macmillan
Brazil's Indians and the Onslaught of Civilization: The Yanomami and the Kayapó (2004), by Linda Rabben: University of Washington Press
Scoping The Amazon: Image, Icon, Ethnography (2007), by Stephen L. Nugent: Left Coast Press
Living in the Amazon Rain Forest (2007), by Anita Ganeri: Raintree
Xingu: The Indians, Their Myths (2009), by Orlando Villas Bôas & Cláudio Villas Bôas: Souvenir Press
The Last of The Tribe: The Epic Quest To Save A Lone Man in the Amazon (2010), by Monte Reel: Simon & Schuster
The Unconquered: In Search of the Amazon's Last Uncontacted Tribes (2011), by Scott Wallace: Random House Digital, Inc.
Tropical Ecology (2011), by John Kricher: Princeton University Press