Chukchansi Tribe ~ California
(Photo by rwenzel [Randy K. Wenzel] ~ June 7, 2006)
(The above five photos are by Dante Bellotta ~ October 2, 2010)
The above six images are courtesy of:
Haida Tribe ~ Canadian Northwest Pacific Coast
This is the only known photo of Haida shaman wearing masks | ca. 1881
Image courtesy of:
Members of the Tlingit Haida Indian Tribe | Alaska
Image courtesy of:
Hereditary Haida chief & artist, James Hart
The above two images are courtesy of:
James Hart
The above two images are courtesy of: The Epoch Times

The above three photos are by Cleo Lajzerowicz ~ July 28, 2010
(The above photo is by Donald E. Hurlbert, National Museum of Natural History)
Image & source are courtesy of: Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History ~ January 7, 2009
Before a ceremonial dance, the sea-lion whisker crown of the headdress was filled with swan or eagle down, which drifted out during the performance and fell onto the spectators like snow.
This carved centrepiece frontlet of wood & abalone shell is known as an amhalaayt & worn during potlatch and spirit-possession ceremonies performed by a high-ranking Haida woman or man.
The rest of the headdress is comprised of a floor-length train of ermine pelts & a crown or circlet of upright sea-lion whiskers.
Photo & source are courtesy of: A. Davey ~ June 14, 2008
Haida dancers at a pole-raising ceremony
Photo by QCL Shooter [Duane Foerter] ~ June 14, 2005
The above six images are courtesy of:
Woven on a stand with a wooden form appropriate to each size & shape by Haida women (who excelled in basketry), hats were then painted with the crests of the commissioning family by Haida male artists.
The above two images & source are courtesy of: Canadian Museum of Civilization
(The above two examples were collected at Masset, British Columbia, in 1911 by C. C. Perry)
Hupa Tribe ~ Hoopa Valley Reservation, Northwest California
Above left, white deerskin dance costume ~ 1923 | Above right, an unidentified Hupa woman ~ 1923
Above left, a principal female Hupa Shaman ~ 1923 | Above right, a Hupa female Shaman ~ 1923
(The above four photos are by by Edward S. Curtis)
The above four images are courtesy of:
Hupa woman & child from the Edward S. Curtis Collection
Image courtesy of:
Jicarilla Apache Tribe ~ New Mexico
(The above seven photographs of Jicarilla Indians are all by Edward S. Curtis [1868-1952] | 1905)
The above seven images are courtesy of:
(Photo provided by ..:: karlito ::.. [Karlito Delacasa])
Image courtesy of:
Above left, Augustin Virgil ~ 1880 | Above right, Pacer ~ 1879
The above two images are courtesy of:
Derwin Velarde (Jicarilla Apache)
Image courtesy of:
Klamath Tribe ~ Klamath Basin of Oregon
Above left, a member of the Klamath tribe in a traditional headdress | Above right, a Kalmath warrior
Above left, a portrait of Modoc Henry's wife | Above right, an unidentified Klamath woman
A Klamath Chief
(The above five photos are by Edward S. Curtis [1868-1952] | ca. 1923)
The five images above are courtesy of:
Kwakiutl Tribe ~ Northeastern Shores of Vancouver Island, British Columbia
Above left, Atlumhl ~ 1914 | Above right, Chief Hamasaka ~ 1914
Group of Winter Dancers ~ 1914
An Indian Wedding Party ~ 1914
An unidentified Kwakiutl Indian ~ 1914
Above left, Nakoaktok Chief's daughter seated on a blanket-covered board supported by two wooden carved images representing her slaves ~ 1910 | Above right, Yakotlus ~ 1914
Above left, a Kwakiutl Indian wearing a mask of the mythical creature Pgwis (man of the sea) ~ 1914
Above right, a woman wearing a Tluwulahu Costume consisting of fringed Chilkat blanket, a Hamat'sa neckring & mask which represents a deceased relative who had been a shaman ~ 1914
Above left, a Kwakiutl Indian wearing a Tluwulahu-Mask depicting a loon ~ 1914
Above right, a Kwakiutl Indian wearing a Hamat'sa costume ~ 1910
The Hamat'sa (or "Cannibal Dance") is the most important - and highly represented - ceremony of the Kwakiutl (Kwakwaka'wakw) First Nations people of British Columbia.
Masked Kwakiutl Dancers ~ 1914
(The above twelve photos are all by Edward S. Curtis)
The twelve images above are courtesy of:
An old postcard showing two Kwakiutl Indians in ceremonial coats
(Photo by Henry S. Wellcome [1853-1936])
Image courtesy of:
A still from the 1951 documentary, Dances of the Kwakiutl, by Robert Gardner
Image courtesy of:
Kwakiutl bridal group
(Photo by Edward S. Curtis | ca. 1914)
Image courtesy of:
Kwakiutl performers in ceremonial dance attire
(Photo by Edward S. Curtis | ca. 1914)
Image courtesy of:
Image courtesy of:

Lummi Tribe ~ Washington State & British Columbia

The three photographs above show members of the Lummi Nation wearing thunderbird dance costumes & headdresses at a traditional Lummi spirit dance ~ Bellingham, Washington | ca. 1930-1933
A woman holds a spirit dance rattle
at a traditional Lummi dance ~ Bellingham, Washington | ca.
A Lummi Native American woman wearing traditional dress ~ Bellingham, Washington | ca. 1930-1933
(The five photos above are all by Eugene H. Field)
(The above five photographs are the property of the University of Washington Libraries, Special Collections Division)The five images above are courtesy of: University of Washington Libraries, Special Collections Division
(Photo by Evergreengirl ~ May 23, 2009)
“We are the Lhaq'temish, The Lummi People. We are the original inhabitants of Washington's northernmost coast and southern British Columbia. For thousands of years, we worked, struggled and celebrated life on the shores and waters of Puget Sound.” (Quoted from: Lummi Nation)
Above left, Lummi elder Ted Solomon, holds a traditional cedar bark hat | Above right, A young woman wears a similar cedar bark hat on the Lummi Indian Reservation ~ Stommish Beach, Washington
(The above three photographs are by Ethan Welty ~ July 30, 2007)The above four images are courtesy of:

Coast Salish Tribe ~ Georgia Basin (British Columbia) and Puget Sound (Washington State)
Chief Eagle, a Salish Indian, wearing a majestic headdress of eagle feathers.
(Charcoal drawing by S. Campos based on a photo by Edward H. Boos | ca. 1910)(Image from steeelll [S. Campos] ~ uploaded on June 13, 2011)
Image courtesy of:
Salish Childhood
(Photo by Edward S. Curtis | ca. 1910)Prints and Photographs Division, Library of Congress
Image courtesy of:
Batchese ~ 1902
Image courtesy of:
Squamish Tribe ~ British Columbia
(The above twelve photos, 2011)
(The above two photos, 2010)
The Squamish Nation is comprised of descendants of the Coast Salish Aboriginal peoples who lived in the present day Greater Vancouver area.
(The above fourteen photos of 2010 & 2011 Squamish Nation Pow-Wows are all by RayVanEng ~ July: 2010 & 2011)
(The above eleven photos of a 2008 Squamish Nation Pow-Wow are all by shuttermountain ~ July 13, 2008)
The above twenty-five images are courtesy of:
Squamish chief & carver, Joe Capilano (Mathias Joe) [1840-1910] ~ 1930
Image courtesy of: Vancouver Art in the Sixties

Map of California is courtesy of: S.R.I. Chievres
Map of Washington State is courtesy of:
Map of Oregon is courtesy of: NationMaster

Map of New Mexico is courtesy of: NationMaster
Map of the Lummi Nation courtesy of:
Suggested readings:
American Indians Today (1972), by Olga Gruhzit-Hoyt: Abelard-Schuman
The Kwakiutl: Indians of British Columbia (1986), by Ronald Preston Rohner & Evelyn C. Bettauer: Waveland Press
Indians of the Pacific Northwest: A History (1988), by Robert H. Ruby & John A. Brown: University of Oklahoma Press
The Earth Is Our Mother: A Guide to the Indians of California, Their Locales and Historic Sites (1989), by Dolan Eargle: Trees Company Press
California Indian Country: The Land & The People (1992), by Dolan H. Eargle: Trees Company Press
A Guide to the Indian Tribes of the Pacific Northwest (1992) by Robert H. Ruby & John Arthur Brown: University of Oklahoma Press
Aboriginal Peoples and Natural Resources in Canada (1994), by Claudia Notzke: Captus Press
The Raven Steals The Light: Native American Tales (1996), by William Reid & Robert Bringhurst: Shambhala
Haida Art (1996), by George F. MacDonald: Craftsman House
The Spirit of Haida Gwaii: Bill Reid's Masterpiece (1997), by Ulli Steltzer: Douglas & McIntyre
Celluloid Indians: Native Americans and Film (1999), by Jacquelyn Kilpatrick: University of Nebraska Press
Sacred Legacy: Edward S. Curtis and the North American Indian (2000) by Christopher Cardozo: Simon & Schuster
The Native American: The Indigenous People of North America (2000), by Colin F. Taylor & William C. Sturtevant: Salamander Books
Native Nations: Cultures and Histories of Native North America (2001), by Nancy Bonvillain: Prentice Hall
The Great Mystery: Myths of Native America (2001), by Neil Philip: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
The Native Americans: An Illustrated History (2001), by David Hurst Thomas, Betty Ballantine, Jay Miller & Richard White: World Publications, Incorporated
The Native Americans: An Illustrated History (2001), by David Hurst Thomas, Betty Ballantine, Jay Miller & Richard White: World Publications, Incorporated
British Columbia 100 Years Ago: Portraits of a Province (2002), by Fred Thirkell & Bob Scullion: Heritage House Publishing Co.
Native Peoples of the Northwest: A Traveler's Guide to Land, Art, and Culture (2002), by Jan Halliday & Gail Chehak: Sasquatch Books
A Forest of Time: American Indian Ways of History (2002), by Peter Nabokov: Cambridge University Press
God Is Red: A Native View of Religion (2003), by Vine Deloria & Vine Deloria, Jr.: Fulcrum Publishing
Edward S. Curtis: The Great Warriors (2004), by Christopher Cardozo: Bulfinch Press
Haida Gwaii: Journeys Through the Queen Charlotte Islands (2004), Ian Gill & David Nunuk: Raincoast Books
Edward S. Curtis (2008), by Barry Pritzker: World Publications, Incorporated
The North American Indian: From the Edward S. Curtis Collection (2008), by Wayne Youngblood: Compendium
Haida Gwaii: The Queen Charlotte Islands (2009), by Dennis Horwood: Heritage House Publishing Co.
All That We Say Is Ours: Guujaaw and the Reawakening of the Haida Nation (2010), by Ian Gill: Douglas & McIntyre
Indian Nations of North America (2010), by National Geographic, Rick Hill, Herman Viola, George Horsecapture & Teri Frazier: Random House of Canada
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