Apache Tribe ~ Arizona, Texas & New Mexico
Above left, Ndee Sangochonh | Above right, Geronimo
(Above left photo is by Edward S. Curtis ~ ca. 1906 | Above right photo is by Aaron B. Canady ~ ca. 1907)
Both images above are courtesy of Library of Congress: http://www.loc.gov
Above right & left, Geronimo, leader of the Chiricahuan Apache Tribe
Above left, image courtesy of: http://adayinthelifeofalemon.blogspot.ca
Above right, image courtesy of: http://www.dipity.com
Image courtesy of: Heyoka Magazine
Pronounced “uh-PAH-chee,” the word means “enemy” in the Zuni language, the Apaches' neighbours. The Apaches' own name for themselves was traditionally Nde or Ndee (meaning “the people”).
(Source: http://www.bigorrin.org)
Geronimo ~ Apache Chief
Image courtesy of: http://www.wisconsinhistory.org
Apache Spirit Dancers ~ 1887
Above left, Gonkon, a Kiowa Apache Indian ~ ca. 1894 | Above right, Naichez, a Chiricahua Apache
The three images above are courtesy of: http://www.firstpeople.us
Yenin Guy, an Apache warrior
Above left, De Gizzeh-Rolling, an Apache Brave | Above right, Tsahizn Tseh, an Apache man
(All three photos are by Edward S. Curtis ~ above left, ca. 1903 | above & above right, ca. 1906)
The three images above are courtesy of: http://www.old-picture.com
A member of the Apache Nation from Oklahoma during the Medicine Lodge (Kansas) Peace Treaty Pageant.
(Photo by Kansas Explorer 3128 [Franklin B. Thompson] ~ October 2007)
(Photo by boomychevi ~ October 19, 2008)
(Photo by Joao_Paulo_Barbosa ~ February 23, 2009)

(Photo by JC Park ~ September 13, 2009)
Chief Reynard Faber, of the Jicarilla Apache Nation, is the great-grandson of Apache Chief Geronimo
(Photo by kcharnick [Kristian Charnick] ~ September 28, 2011)
The five images above are courtesy of: http://www.flickr.com
Hopi Tribe ~ Northeast Arizona
Hopi Snake Priest
(Photo by Edward S. Curtis ~ 1910)
Image courtesy of: http://extraordinaryintelligence.com
Hopi Snake Priest ~ 1900
Above left, Hopi Brave ~ 1906 | Above right, Hopi Snake Dancer ~ 1900

Snake Priest ~ 1906
Hopi women on top of an Adobe House ~ 1906
(The five photos above are all by Edward S. Curtis )
The five images above are courtesy of: http://www.old-picture.com
“The Hopi Indians, who live in the arid highlands of northern Arizona, have inhabited the same place for a millennium, far longer than any other people in North America. They are not only one of the oldest dwellers in this land but are considered by most other Indians to have a wisdom, a knowledge of things, beyond average comprehension. Peace-loving and knit tightly together by clan relationships, they are intensely spiritual and fiercely independent. Their all-pervading religion is a many-stranded cord that unites them to their stark and beautiful environment.”
(Source: Hopi by Jake & Susanne Page)
The above five photos are of Hopi Clan Chief Porter Timeche | July 11, 1955
The above five vintage photos are of a Hopi Ceremonial Dance | August, 1958
The Shah of Iran, Mohammed Reza Pahlavi, Brigadier General Abdul Hussein Hedjazi, military aide, and Park Superintendent H.C. Bryant, watch a Hopi Indian dance presented at the Hopi House ~ 1949.
(The eleven photos above are by Nick DeWolf [Nick DeWolf Photo Archive])
The Shah of Iran, Mohammed Reza Pahlavi, Brigadier General Abdul Hussein Hedjazi, military aide, and Park Superintendent H.C. Bryant, watch a Hopi Indian dance presented at the Hopi House ~ 1949.
Prime minister U Nu of Burma viewing the Hopi Indian dances at the Hopi House, Grand Canyon National Park ~ July 11, 1955.
Burma's Prime Minister, U Nu, and part of his official party as they stood with some of the Hopi Indians on the dance platform following a special dance on July 11, 1955. Mrs. U Nu stands left center in back of the drum. Hopi Clan Chief Porter Timeche far left.
The Prime Minister of Pakistan, Huseyn Shaheed Suhrawardy, poses with Hopi Indian dancers following special Hopi dance on the South Rim of Grand Canyon National Park ~ Circa 1957.
Two-year old Ronald Timeche performs the Eagle Dance at the Hopi House on the South Rim of Grand Canyon National Park ~ Circa 1950.
Hopi Indian dancers performing at the Hopi House at Grand Canyon National Park ~ Circa 1927.
The above six vintage photos & information are from Grand Canyon NPS
(Photo by Grand-Adventures.com [Darryl Gariglio] ~ July 5, 2005)
(Photo by Jimbo 1947 [James Hinckley] ~ May 18, 2009)

(Photo by JeremyStone [Jeremy Stone] ~ March 21, 2007)
(Photo by SIULANDIA ~ January 28, 2009)
(Photo by maryn0503 ~ July 4, 2009)
The above twenty-two images are courtesy of: http://www.flickr.com
Hualapai (Wallapai) Tribe ~ Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona

“The Hualapai, meaning 'People of The Tall Pines,' are native people of the Southwest.
Their homeland stretched from the Grand Canyon southward to the Santa Maria River and from the Black Mountains eastward to the pine forests of the San Francisco peaks. Today, the Hualapai American Indian Reservation, created in 1883, is nearly 1,000,000 acres that includes 108 miles of the Colorado River and Grand Canyon.”
(Quoted from: Grand Canyon West)
The above two images are courtesy of: http://www.visionairlines.net
Image courtesy of: http://www.galavantier.com
Image courtesy of: http://www.trosifol.com/
Image courtesy of: http://www.sueddeutsche.de
The above three images are courtesy of: http://blog.travelpod.com
(Photo by RyanTaylor1986 [Ryan Taylor] ~ December 10, 2008)
(Photo by elysiumcore [Mitchell Poyau] ~ November 13, 2008)
(Photo by LuckyRVA [Jason Fugett] ~ March 28, 2009)
(The above four photos are by rich.adams [Rich Adams] ~ November 13, 2009)
(The above two photos are by prayitno ~ March 21, 2007)
(Above left, photo by silverbob2007 ~ November 19, 2008 | Above right, photo by makemineamarvel79 [Paul Spicer] August 31, 2006)
(Photo by Joe Shlabotnik [Peter Dutton] ~ October 6, 2009)
The above twelve images are courtesy of: http://www.flickr.com
(Photo by Rafal Osinski)
Image courtesy of: http://www.rafalosinski.pl/
Navajo Tribe ~ Utah, Arizona & New Mexico
Above left, Nayenezgani ~ 1904 | Above right, Haschezhini ~ 1904
Above left, Navajo Haschebaad Mask ~ 1905 | Above right, Navajo Lynx Mask ~ 1905
Above left, Nayenezgani in ceremonial costume~ 1904 | Above right, Yebichai, Navajo war gods ~ 1904
Yebichai Beggar Tonenili ~ 1905
Above left, Navajo Indian in a fur cap ~ 1905 | Above right, Son of the Desert, a Navajo Brave ~ 1904
Above left, Navajo Chief ~ 1904 | Above right, Youth From the Desert Land ~ 1906
Above left, Navajo Wrapped In Blanket ~ 1904 | Above right, White Singer ~ 1906
Many Goats's Son ~ 1904
(The fourteen photos above are all by Edward S. Curtis)
The above fourteen images are courtesy of: http://www.old-picture.com
Above left, Kee Kensol | Above right, A Navajo woman & a Papoose (baby carriage) ~ 1914
Above left, Be-zhosie | Above right, Be-zhosie's son
Many Whiskers - Shiprock Tribal Councilman ~ undated
Navajo Indians ~ Shiprock, New Mexico
The above eleven images are courtesy of: http://www.firstpeople.us/
(Photo by Kelly87 [Kelly Moore] ~ June 27, 2008)
(Photo by Ilse // Photography [Ilse van Kuijck] ~ July 27, 2007)

(Photo by Annefrid ~ January 30, 2008)
(The above four photos are by Black Rock Photo [Brian Stacey] ~ April 12, 2011)
(The above four photos are by Moncho Aldamiz ~ June 2 & October 27, 2006)
(The above three photos are by heyjude70 ~ April 18, 2008)
(The above two photos are by Helena W ~ June 3, 2010)
The above sixteen images are courtesy of: http://www.flickr.com
Nez Percé Tribe ~ Wallowa Valley, Northwest Oregon
Above left, Blanket Of The Sun ~ 1908 | Above right, Pile Of Clouds ~ 1912
Above left, Ah-la-kat ~ 1907 | Above right, Albert Waters ~ 1906
Above left, Running White Weasel ~ 1907 | Above right, Ta-mas-on ~ 1868
Chief Joseph ~ undated
(Photo by John H. Fouch)
A Nez Percé couple ~ undated
The eight images above are courtesy of: http://amertribes.proboards.com/
Chief Joseph
The above three photos are of Chief Joseph
Above, Kal Kal Shua Tash ~ 1868
Above left & right, Peo Peo Ta Lakt ~ 1900 (L) & 1902 (R)
Above left, Luke Wilson ~ 1906 | Above right, Pa Tik He Ke Heci ~ 1908
Chief Joseph & two Nez Percé men ~ undated
Above left & right, Stephen Reuben ~ 1900
Above left, Yum-ye-kal-impt ~ 1906 | Above right, Nez Percé Indian ~ 1903
Above left, Reuben Brothers ~ 1900 | Above right, Aleck Morse ~ 1912
The above seventeen images are all courtesy of: http://www.firstpeople.us
Above left, Chief Joseph ~ 1903 | Above right, an unidentified Nez Percé Indian ~ 1910
A Nez Percé Brave ~ 1899
Above left, Chief Joseph ~ 1903 | Above right, an unidentified Nez Percé Indian ~ 1910
(The above three photos are by Edward S. Curtis)
The three images above are courtesy of: http://www.old-picture.com
Above left, Raven Blanket ~ Ca. 1910 | Above right, Three Eagles ~ Ca. 1910
Above, a Nez Percé warrior ~ ca. 1910
(The above three photos are all by Edward S. Curtis)
The above three images are courtesy of: http://www.loc.gov
Chief Yellow Bull ~ 1905
(Photo by Edward H. Latham)
Above left & right, Chief Yellow Bull ~ Ca. 1903
(Both photos are by Frank Fuller Avery)
The three images above are courtesy of: University of Wahington Libraries
Today, the Nez Percé Reservation is located in North Central Idaho.
(Photo by Phil's Pixels [Philip Kuntz] ~ March 26, 2009)
Image courtesy of: http://www.flickr.com
Zuñi Tribe ~ New Mexico
Zuni Warriors
Above left, Shiwawatiwa ~ 1903 | Above right, Si Wa Wata Wa ~ 1903
Above left & right, a Zuni Indian girl wearing traditional Zuni jewellery ~ 1903
A Zuni girl with a pottery jar ~ 1903

Bick Juna, a Zuni Brave ~ 1903
(The above six photographs are by Edward S. Curtis)
The above six images are courtesy of: http://www.old-picture.com
Zuni Snake Priest ~ undated
Above left, a group of Zuni Chiefs ~ undated | Above right, a Zuni Indian in costume ~ undated
A Zuni water-carrier ~ ~ undated
The above four images are courtesy of: http://www.firstpeople.us
Butterfly Dance
White Buffalo Dance
(The above three photos are by Shaun Cameron - doyourpart ~ November 22, 2007)
(Photo by walker_dawson ~ June 25, 2011)
“A Pueblo tribe residing at Zuñi on the bank of the Rio Zuñi near the boundary of New Mexico, and in the adjoining villages of Nutria, Ojo Caliente, and Pescado. The name Zuñi is a Spanish corruption of the Keresan Sunifisti, and was first used by Antonio de Espajo in 1583; the natives, however, called themselves Ashiwi (from Shiwi, flesh) and their territory Shiwona.” (Quoted from: New Advent)
(Photo by Playing For Change ~ September 6, 2009)
The above five images are courtesy of: http://www.flickr.com
Map of Navajo & Hopi Nations
Courtesy of: Unitah Basin Teaching American History
Top, courtesy of: Yellow Maps | Bottom, courtesy of: Nations Online
Maps of New Mexico
Map of Oregon is courtesy of: http://www.saletur.ru
Suggested readings:
The Fourth World of the Hopis: The Epic Story of the Hopi Indians As Preserved In Their Legends And Traditions (1971), by Frank Waters & Oswald White Bear Fredericks: Viking Press
The Book of the Hopi (1972), by Frank Waters & Oswald White Bear Fredericks: Viking Press
American Indians of the Southwest (1983), by Bertha Pauline Dutton: University of New Mexico Press (UNM)
The Apaches and Navajos (1989), by Craig A. Doherty & Katherine M. Doherty: F. Watts
The Apache (1989), by Michael Edward Melody & Frank W. Porter: Chelsea House Publishers
The Navajo Indians (1991), by Leigh Hope Wood: Chelsea House
Kachina Dolls: The Art of Hopi Carvers (1991), by Helga Teiwes: University of Arizona Press
The Nez Percé Indians (1993), by Mark Rifkin: Chelsea House
The Nez Percé Indians (1993), by Mark Rifkin: Chelsea House
Native Americans: Enduring Cultures and Traditions (1996), by Trudy Griffin-Pierce: MetroBooks
Paths of Life: American Indians of the Southwest And Northern Mexico (1996), by Thomas E. Sheridan & Nancy J. Parezo: University of Arizona Press
Grand Canyon: True Stories of Life Below The Rim (1999), by Sean O'Reilly, James O'Reilly & Larry Habegger: Travelers' Tales
Paths of Life: American Indians of the Southwest And Northern Mexico (1996), by Thomas E. Sheridan & Nancy J. Parezo: University of Arizona Press
Grand Canyon: True Stories of Life Below The Rim (1999), by Sean O'Reilly, James O'Reilly & Larry Habegger: Travelers' Tales
The Apache (2000), by Raymond Bial: Benchmark Books
The Nez Percé Tribe (2000), by Allison Lassieur: Capstone Press
Fire & Blood: A History of Mexico (2000), by T. R. Fehrenbach: E-reads/E-rights
The Nez Percé Tribe (2000), by Allison Lassieur: Capstone Press
Fire & Blood: A History of Mexico (2000), by T. R. Fehrenbach: E-reads/E-rights
Traditional Hopi Katchinas: A New Generation of Carvers (2000), by Jonathan S. Day: Northland Publishing
Katsina: Commodified and Appropriated Images of Hopi Supernaturals (2001), by Zena Pearlstone & Barbara A. Babcock: UCLA Fowler Museum of Cultural History
The Book of the Navajo (2002), by Raymond Friday Locke: Holloway House Publishing
Navajo Long Walk: The Tragic Story of A Proud People's Forced March From Their Homeland (2002), by Joseph Bruchac & Shonto Begay: National Geographic Society
The Hopi (2002), by William W. Lace: Lucent Books
Chief Joseph: 1840-1904 (2002), by Mary Englar: Capstone Press
The Long Walk: The Story of Navajo Captivity (2002), by Raymond Bial: Marshall Cavendish Corp
Chief Joseph: 1840-1904 (2002), by Mary Englar: Capstone Press
The Long Walk: The Story of Navajo Captivity (2002), by Raymond Bial: Marshall Cavendish Corp
The Pueblo (2004), by Christa Bedry: Facts on File
The Navajo Long Walk (2004), by Lawrence W. Cheek & Larry Cheek: Rio Nuevo Publishers
Chief Joseph & The Flight of the Nez Percé (2006), by Kent Nerburn: HarperCollins
I Am The Grand Canyon: The Story of The Havasupai People (2006), by Stephen Hirst: Grand Canyon Association
The Navajo Long Walk (2004), by Lawrence W. Cheek & Larry Cheek: Rio Nuevo Publishers
Chief Joseph & The Flight of the Nez Percé (2006), by Kent Nerburn: HarperCollins
I Am The Grand Canyon: The Story of The Havasupai People (2006), by Stephen Hirst: Grand Canyon Association
Secrets of the Serpent: In Search of the Sacred Past (2006), by Philip Gardiner & John Malloy: Reality Press
The Nez Percé (2007), by David C. King: Marshall Cavendish
Indian Arts of the Southwest (2008), by Susanne Page & Jake Page: Rio Nuevo Publishers
The Long Walk: The Forced Navajo Exile (2008), by Jennifer Denetdale: Chelsea House Publishers
The Nez Percé (2007), by David C. King: Marshall Cavendish
Indian Arts of the Southwest (2008), by Susanne Page & Jake Page: Rio Nuevo Publishers
The Long Walk: The Forced Navajo Exile (2008), by Jennifer Denetdale: Chelsea House Publishers
The Hopi People (2009), by Stewart B. Koyiyumptewa, Carolyn O'Bagy Davis & Hopi Cultural Preservation Office: Arcadia Publishing
Hopi (2009), by Susanne Page & Jake Page: Rio Nuevo Publishers
The Columbia Guide To American Indians of the Southwest (2010), by Trudy Griffin-Pierce: Columbia University Press
Indian Nations of North America (2010), by National Geographic, Rick Hill, Herman Viola, George Horsecapture & Teri Frazier: Random House of Canada
We Are An Indian Nation: A History of the Hualapai People (2010), by Jeffrey P. Shepherd: University of Arizona Press
Indian Nations of North America (2010), by National Geographic, Rick Hill, Herman Viola, George Horsecapture & Teri Frazier: Random House of Canada
We Are An Indian Nation: A History of the Hualapai People (2010), by Jeffrey P. Shepherd: University of Arizona Press
The Cheyenne (2011), by Samuel Willard Crompton & Paul C. Rosier: Facts on File
The Hopi (2011), by Barry Pritzker & Paul C Rosier: Facts on File
Hopi: History and Culture (2011), by Helen Dwyer & Mary Stout: Gareth Stevens Publications
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